Mandt for Families
Mandt for Families is completely online, mobile-friendly, and open to any family, anywhere. The course is only 90 minutes from start to finish and covers the core principles and foundation of The Mandt System®: healthy relationships, healthy communication, and healthy conflict resolution.
Mandt for Families is a person-centered, values-based process that encourages positive interactions among all family members. The program provides a simple yet effective way of introducing the concept that if you can manage and control yourself you can then better interact with other people. New behaviors are taught to replace behaviors labeled as challenging. This replacement behavior serves to support and empower family members to feel safe in their relationships. This feeling of safety and empowerment opens the doors to healthy, development, growth, learning, work, play, and living. By using The Mandt System®, your family can build a strong foundation in which all people can say: “In this place, and with these people, I feel safe.”

Benefits of this online, self-paced program:
Complete the course wherever and whenever you choose
Start and stop the course as needed
Materials remain in your account to review for up to 1 year
Limits barriers to access such as finding childcare or time

Mandt for Families
*For Each Individual Use*
Válido por 12 meses
A self-paced online course for families
Reduce challenging behaviors
Prevent escalation
See the positive impact on the whole family
Organizations Purchasing Multiple Accounts:
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