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Providing Access to the Faith

Making sure that Disability Ministry is just as accessible to the people serving as the people being served.

After a strong nudge from the Holy Spirit, Witness to Dignity was formed in 2018 to ensure that disability access is a priority for Churches and Private Schools. Witness to Dignity is a collaborative effort of people with the expertise and experience to make meaningful and lasting change in Churches, Ministries, and Private Schools. 

Diverse group of children praying

Our Story

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Uniendo la pasión por la fe y la inclusión

out of focus church aisle

Equipamos y capacitamos al clero, al personal y a los voluntarios para servir a personas con diversas necesidades y habilidades de manera efectiva en iglesias, escuelas y otras organizaciones religiosas. Te ayudamos a desarrollar  habilidades y estrategias sin agotar el tiempo ni agotar los recursos.

Nuestra misión es ayudarlo a tener la confianza y la capacidad para servir a personas con diversas habilidades en su lugar de culto.

Advocating for Access

Tenemos los recursos que necesita para llevar su ministerio más allá.

Boy with Down Syndrome Playing with Blocks
  • Autism

  • Mental Health Conditions, such as Anxiety, Depression, Mood Imbalances, etc.

  • ADHD

  • Down Syndrome and Other Syndromes

  • Physical Disabilities, such as Arthritis, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, or Spinal Cord Injuries

  • ​​Cognitive or Processing Disabilities

  • Deafness or Hearing Loss

  • Vision Loss

  • Learning Disabilities, such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, etc.

  • Medical Conditions, such as Diabetes, Heart Conditions, AutoImmune Conditions, etc.

Meet Our Team


Anita is a retired Special Education Teacher and Mother of five adult sons, one of whom has Down Syndrome and is hearing impaired. She worked as a Director of Religious Education for a Catholic church in the Chicagoland area before moving to Virginia. Practicing her faith is very important to her. Anita's son has been involved in many faith-based programs which have enriched his life greatly. It is her hope that everyone will be able to have wonderful faith-based experiences, too!

Anita Schilling

Board Director

Ashley Arominski headshot. Ashley is a white woman with long straight dark hair, a beauty mark, and a teal top.

Ashley is currently a Campus Minister at a Private High School in Alabama. In the past, she has worked as a Youth Minister in urban, suburban, and rural settings in various cities on the East Coast. One of her passions is experiencing music, art, and culture in a space of creativity through the lens of faith, truth, beauty, and goodness. 

Ashley Arominski

Board Director

Brittany Crumbling headshot. Brittany is a black woman with a short, natural crown with twists in front wearing gold hoop earrings and a bright orange top

Brittany works as a Specialist in School Counseling for the Central Office in her local school district, where she focuses on establishing systems for Social-Emotional and Mental Health and coaching school staff in implementing those systems. In the past she has worked as an Elementary and Middle School Counselor and MTSS Lead. She owns a home and attends church in the DC Area. She is active in her faith and won Bible Scholar when she was in High School! One of her passions is advocating for students by consulting with teachers, staff, and administration to promote school community. 

Brittany Crumbling

Board Director

Evan Baker headshot. Evan is a white man with gray hair wearing glasses and a maroon sweater

Evan works for a growing University in promotion and advancement where he connects people to the school's mission and makes them feel welcome in the community. He is a husband and father of two living and attending church in North Dakota. He and his wife are both passionate about education as she is a Montessori Expert and Educator. Evan has a heart for people and human stories. He is a joyfully contagious conversationalist, which is likely to land him on TV again someday. 

Evan Baker

Board Director

Irene Viorritto headshot. Irene is a white woman with medium dark curly hair wearing gold dangle earrings, gold necklace, and a teal top.

Irene has been serving in youth ministry for over 2 decades in a variety of settings as a Teacher, Parish Youth Minister, and as a Girl Scout. Having grown up with Arthritis, she is passionate about making her community a more accessible and welcoming place for everyone, especially young people.  She lives with her husband and teenage daughter in western Tennessee and enjoys making rosaries and jewelry in her spare time.

Irene Viorritto

Board Director

Jerome Jumawan headshot. Jerome is a filipino man with taper cut hair wearing a collared, floral shirt

Jerome lives, works, and attends church in Orange County, California. He is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker working as a team lead in a hospital setting and doing private practice therapy on the side. Jerome is originally from the Philippinnes and still visits home whenever he can. He is passionate about helping the whole person. Jerome is also passionate about old-school 90s R&B and is the best at car Karaoke. He loves to travel, live healthy, eat good food, and is becoming a Jiu-Jitsu champ. 

Jerome Jumawan

Board Director

Patty Telles headshot. Patty is a white woman with straight, red hair wearing a black floppy hat and a leopard print blouse

 Patty is a daughter of God, a wife, mother to 2 boys, caregiver, and full time teacher for high school students with moderate/severe special needs. She has been teaching for about 15 years in California. She has a BA degree in Special Education from Franciscan University of Steubenville and an MA in Special Education from Cal State L.A. Her passion for individuals with significant special needs stems from having a younger brother who has Cerebral Palsy, an intellectual disability, and other health impairments. 

Patty Telles

Board Director

Sarah Schmitt headshot. Sarah is a white woman with straight, brown hair and bangs wearing glasses, hoop earrings, and a black blazer.

Sarah (Korfonta) Schmitt
M.Ed.; Certified Crisis Trainer

Executive Director

Sarah is an Educational Consultant, Speaker, and Professional Development Trainer. She has been a Consultant/Coach for just short of a decade and a Disability-Inclusive Educator for years prior to that. Sarah completed an undergraduate degree at the Franciscan University of Steubenville and a Master's at George Mason University. She started her career by helping found and start a private school for Autism, where she lead the efforts of starting the inclusive preschool program. Sarah has worked and volunteered in various roles in education and ministry for 20 years. Her experience in ministry ranges widely in various work and volunteer roles, as well as, various types of ministry from youth ministry to liturgy and worship. She lives in central Virginia with her husband, Adam and her two Foster children. One of her biggest passions is advocating for disability accessibility in Church so that everyone can experience true community and belonging.

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©2021 Testigo de la Dignidad, Inc.
iglesia de las caídas, virginia

Testigo de la Dignidad  se compromete a proporcionar un sitio web que sea accesible a la audiencia más amplia posible, independientemente de las circunstancias y la capacidad. Si tiene algún comentario o sugerencia relacionada con la mejora de la accesibilidad de nuestro sitio, no dude en comunicarse con Sarah, nuestra coordinadora de accesibilidad, en Sus comentarios nos ayudarán a realizar mejoras.

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